SLV's Festival Recommendations - Melbourne Writers Festival

SLV's Festival Recommendations

What are SLV's top picks of the festival? 

Spooky Stories with Joel McKerrow | LEARN MORE

Celebrated children’s author Joel McKerrow (Urban Legend Hunters) will take over the Children's Quarter for a spooky adventure just for kids! 

The Ghost in the Machines | BOOK NOW

Over at the State Library Theatrette, philosophy professor Margaret Cameron and AI experts Marek Kowalkiewicz (The Economy of Algorithms) and Toby Walsh (Machines Behaving Badly) ask: Can AI generate great art? With Paul Barclay. 

David Marr: Killing for Country (sold out)

At the Conversation Quarter, David Marr will share insight into Killing for Country, his gripping reckoning with the brutal history of Australia’s unresolved frontier wars, in conversation with Sally Warhaft.  

What spooky stories does the library hold?

From after-dark apparitions to haunted bats and unexplainable movements, the library is home to many a haunting...Learn more on the SLV blog